The following terms and conditions ("Terms") govern all aspects of your (referred to as "You" or "Customer") use of the website, as well as all content, services, and products provided through the website, including our Unified Collaboration Toolkit offered as an online software service and any related APIs provided by L’AiR, along with all associated mobile and desktop applications (collectively referred to as "Our Services"). Your use of Our Services is subject to all the terms and conditions included in this Agreement, as well as any other operating rules, policies (including but not limited to L’AiR's Privacy Policies), and procedures published by L’AiR from time to time (collectively referred to as the "Agreement"). Your agreement is with L’AiR, Inc. ("L’AiR," "We," or "Our").

If these Terms are considered an offer by L’AiR, acceptance is expressly limited to these Terms. These Terms apply to all individuals, visitors, users, and others who wish to access or use Our Services. These Terms apply solely to individual use of the services. If you are accessing or using the services on behalf of an organization, company, or other legal entity (each an "Organization"), your use of the services, including the ownership of any content created, stored, or transmitted using the services, is subject to the Master Service Agreement of L’AiR.

By accessing or using any part of Our Services, you agree to be bound by the Agreement. If you do not agree to be bound by the Agreement, you may not access or use any of Our Services.

Your L’AiR Account

To use Our Services, you need to create an account, which can be done directly through L’AiR or through third-party services (such as Google). In the latter case, your personal information provided to L’AiR through such third-party service (e.g., your name, email address, and other information) will be provided to L’AiR based on your privacy settings in that third-party service. We will use the personal information provided by the third-party service to create your L’AiR account. You agree to provide us with complete and accurate information when registering your account. You will not share your account credentials, and you will not use them simultaneously in multiple locations. You must access and use the service with a unique identity and only within the scope purchased.

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and password, and you are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account (whether or not you authorize the activity and whether or not the activity is carried out by you or any third party accessing or using the service with your permission). You must immediately notify L’AiR of any unauthorized use of your account or any other security breach. L’AiR will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply. You agree that all information you provide to us for the purpose of registering for our services or using any interactive features on our website is governed by our Privacy Statement, and you consent to all actions we take with respect to your information in compliance with our Privacy Statement.

Service Permissions

Our services contain customizable settings that allow you to grant permissions to other users to perform various tasks within the services ("Permissions"). It is the customer's sole responsibility to set and manage all Permissions. Therefore, L’AiR has no responsibility for managing Permissions and no liability for the Permissions you set. The customer represents and warrants that they are fully responsible for any breach of this Agreement and fully responsible for all payment obligations under this Agreement incurred through its account and/or as a result of any Permissions granted.


  • Customer Content: "Customer Content" is the content you provide through personal email accounts in a personal workspace. Customer Content does not include Organization Content or L’AiR Content.
  • Organization Content: "Organization Content" is any content posted on the organizational workspace and any content posted using an organizational email account.
  • L’AiR Content: "L’AiR Content" refers to text, graphics, images, machine learning models, software, audio, video, any type of authored works, and information or other materials posted, generated, provided, or otherwise made available by L’AiR or its licensors through the service.

Customer Content Ownership: We do not claim any ownership rights to your Customer Content. You retain all rights to your Customer Content. If the project content is marked as a private project, we treat all Customer Content as confidential to ensure compliance with these terms and/or applicable laws and other legal requirements. We do not use, share, or access Customer Content.

Customer Content Rights: You are fully responsible for Customer Content, and you represent that you have or have obtained all necessary rights to use Customer Content without infringing, misappropriating, or violating the intellectual property rights of third parties or violating the rights of public image or privacy, or causing a breach of any applicable laws or regulations. Customer Content must comply with these terms. By providing any Customer Content through the service, you hereby grant L’AiR a non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide, royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, solely for the purpose of operating and providing the service and L’AiR Content. Within the limits of the license granted, L’AiR may also provide access to other users, individuals, and/or organizations based on the Permissions you grant, primarily to make your Customer Content available. Subject to the limitations of this license, you retain all rights to your Customer Content.

Sharing Customer Content: You may specify your Customer Content to be public by setting Permissions to "Public." If you publicly post Customer Content, it becomes non-confidential and non-proprietary ("Public Customer Content"). You agree to designate Customer Content as public, allowing other service users to access and use Customer Content with the granted Permissions. Therefore, you understand and agree that these users will have the right to view, comment on, and mark your Public Customer Content. If you grant additional Permissions to users regarding Customer Content, you understand and agree that these users will have the ability, based on the Permissions you grant, to use, publish, display, modify, or copy that Customer Content as described in this section. You grant L’AiR all necessary rights to make any of your Public Customer Content available to other service users and allow these users to perform the activities described in this section.

Deleting Customer Content: You can delete it by deleting Customer Content. However, in some cases, part of the Customer Content may not be completely deleted (e.g., when your data is shared with others). We are not responsible for deleting or failing to delete any Customer Content, or for failing to delete or delete that Customer Content.

Compliance with Laws: Customer Content must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the Republic of China and internationally. Without limiting the foregoing, Customer Content may not and will not be allowed by its users (including its employees, contractors, affiliates, agents, or personnel):

  • Include any defamatory, obscene, indecent, provocative, aggressive, violent, hateful, or otherwise objectionable material.
  • Promote explicit or pornographic material, violence, or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
  • Infringe on any other person's patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual property or other rights.
  • Violate the statutory rights of others (including the right to public image and privacy) or contain any material that may violate any civil or criminal liability under applicable laws or regulations or otherwise conflict with these Terms and our Privacy Statement.
  • Deceive any person.
  • Promote any illegal activity, or encourage, promote, or assist in any illegal behavior.
  • Impersonate any person or misrepresent your identity or contact with any person or organization.
  • Involve in commercial activities or sales, such as contests, sweepstakes, and other sales promotion activities, barter, or advertising.

Rights to L’AiR Content: Subject to compliance with these Terms, L’AiR grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license, with no right of sublicense, only for downloading, viewing, copying, displaying, and printing L’AiR Content, only for the service use allowed by you, and only for your personal and non-commercial purposes.

User Responsibility

L’AiR has not reviewed, and cannot review, all content, including computer software, posted to our Services, and cannot be responsible for that content, its use or effects. By operating our Service, L’AiR does not represent or imply that it endorses the content there posted, or that it believes such content to be accurate, useful or non-harmful. You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content. Our Service may contain content that is offensive, obscene, or otherwise objectionable, as well as content containing technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, and other errors. Our Services may also contain content that violates the privacy or publicity rights, or infringes the intellectual property and other proprietary rights, of third parties, the downloading, copying or use of which may be subject to additional terms and conditions, whether express or unstated. L’AiR disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from the use by visitors or users of our Services, or from any downloading by those visitors or users of content there posted.

Prohibited Use

You may only use our Services for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms. You agree not to use our services:

  • In any manner that violates any applicable ROC or international law or regulation (including, without limitation, laws covering the export of data or software from the United States or other countries).
  • Attempt to exploit, harm, or otherwise attempt to exploit or harm minors in any way by exposing them to inappropriate content, soliciting personally identifiable information, or otherwise.
  • To transmit or obtain for the sending of any advertising or promotional material, including any "junk mail," "link mail," "spam," or any other similar solicitation.
  • Impersonate or attempt to impersonate L’AiR, an L’AiR employee, another user, or any other person or entity (including, without limitation, using an email address associated with any of the foregoing).
  • Engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits anyone’s use or enjoyment of our Services, or that, in our sole judgment, may harm L’AiR or users of our Services or expose them to liability.

Additionally, you agree not to:

  • Use our Services in a manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the Site or interfere with any other party's use of our Services, including the ability to conduct real-time activities through our Services.
  • Use any robot, spider or other automatic device, process or means to access our Services for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any material on the Services.
  • Use any manual process to monitor or copy any material on our site, or for any other purpose not expressly stated in these terms, without our prior written consent.
  • Use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper working of our Services.
  • Introduce any viruses, trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or other material that may be malicious or technologically harmful.
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of our Service or any server, computer or database connected to our Service.
  • Otherwise attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the Service.

Monitor, enforce and terminate

We reserve the right to:

  • Take action with respect to any Public Customer Content that we deem necessary or appropriate in our sole discretion, including if we believe that such Public Customer Content violates these Terms, infringes any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity, threatens users of our Services or the personal safety of the public, or may create a burden for L'AiR.
  • Disclose your identity or information about you to any third party who claims that your public Customer Content violates their rights.
  • Execution of the right to terminate your access to all or part of the Services for any or no reason, including without limitation a violation of these Terms.
  • We reserve the right to expand, update, and modify the reserved words of the domain, and have the right to propose changes to user names and brand names that are not applicable.

Without limiting the foregoing, we reserve the right to fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to reveal the identity or other information of anyone posting any materials on the Service. You waive and hold harmless L'AiR and its affiliates, licensors and service providers from any action taken as a result of an investigation by such parties or law enforcement agencies in connection with or as a result of an investigation by such parties or law enforcement agencies. any claims. We cannot commit to reviewing public Customer Content and cannot ensure prompt removal of objectionable material after it has been posted. Accordingly, we assume no liability for any action or inaction regarding transmissions, communications or content provided by any user or third party. We have no responsibility or liability to any person for the performance or failure to perform the activities described in this section.

Fees, payments and renewals

Fees: Our Services are free with optional paid upgrades ("Paid Services"). By using the Paid Services, you agree to pay the specified fees, which will be billed in advance at specified intervals (such as monthly or yearly) until you cancel, which you can cancel at any time through your workspace subscription settings. All fees are exclusive of, and Customer shall pay, all sales, use, excise and other taxes that may be associated with your use of the Paid Services, including value added tax, as well as applicable export and import fees, customs duties and similar charges, except employment taxes and Taxes based on L'AiR's net income. If L’AiR reasonably determines that it is required to tax you in connection with your use of the Paid Services, then L’AiR may include such tax in the fees charged by you and you shall pay such tax.

Payment: If your payment fails or you otherwise fail to pay for a Paid Service on time, we may immediately cancel or revoke your access to the Paid Service. If you contact your bank or credit card company to decline or reverse payment for paid services, we may revoke your general access to our Services. L’AiR does not accept physical checks for payment.

Automatic renewal: To ensure uninterrupted service, our paid services will automatically renew. This means that unless you cancel your Paid Service before the end of the applicable subscription period, it will automatically renew and you authorize us to invoice you or collect the then-applicable subscription fee (as well as any taxes). Your paid service will renew at the same intervals. For example, if you purchase L’AiR’s annual plan, you’ll pay annually.

Refunds: You may cancel paid services at any time, but subscription fees once paid are non-refundable. Special refund situations are also subject to our discretion.

Fee changes: We may change our fees at any time. Where applicable, we may notify you in advance of fee changes. If you do not agree to the fee changes, you may cancel the paid service.

Content posted on other websites

We have not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material, including computer software, made available through the websites and webpages to which links, and that link to L’AiR has no control over those websites and is not responsible for their content or their use. By linking to a website, L’AiR does not represent or imply that it endorses that website. You are responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect yourself and your computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content. L’AiR disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from your use of websites and webpages.


As L’AiR asks others to respect its intellectual property rights, it respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material located on or linked to by infringes upon your copyright, please notify L’AiR ( in accordance with the Copyright Law of the Republic of China. L’AiR will respond to all such notices, including as required or appropriate by removing the infringing material or disabling all links to the infringing material. L’AiR will terminate a visitor’s access to and use of the Service if, under appropriate circumstances, the visitor is determined to be a repeat infringer of the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of L’AiR or others. In the case of such termination, L’AiR will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid to L’AiR.

Intellectual property

This Agreement does not transfer from L’AiR or third party intellectual property to you, and title, title and interest in and to such property will remain (as between the parties) solely with L’AiR. L’AiR and its licensors exclusively own the Services and L’AiR Content, including all related intellectual property rights. L'AiR,, the logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with, or our Services are trademarks or registered trademarks of L'AiR or L'AiR's licensors . The trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with our Services may be the trademarks of other third parties. Your use of our Services grants you no right or license to use any L’AiR or third-party trademarks. You agree not to remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices used in connection with the Services or L’AiR Content.

Third party services

We may provide you with the ability to access third-party applications, links, websites and services, or the Services may integrate or interact with third-party applications ("Third-Party Applications") to provide the Services to you. These third-party applications may have their own terms of use and privacy policies. Your use of these third-party applications will be subject to these terms and conditions and privacy policy. You understand and agree that we do not endorse and are not responsible for the conduct, functionality, or content of any Third Party Applications, nor are we responsible for any transactions you may have with the provider of any such Third Party Applications, nor does L'AiR guarantee the Compatibility or continued compatibility of third-party applications and services.

Third-party applications may include features or capabilities provided by L’AiR that use data models trained with machine learning (“L’AiR AI”). Use of L’AiR AI is subject to the L’AiR AI Supplemental Terms. By using L’AiR AI features or functionality, you agree to be bound by the L’AiR AI Supplemental Terms.


We are constantly updating our services, which means that sometimes we have to change the legal terms on which our services are provided. If we make material changes, we will notify you by sending an email or other communication sometime before the changes take effect. The notice will specify a reasonable time before the new terms take effect. If you do not agree with our changes, you should stop using our Services within the specified notice period. Your continued use of our services will be subject to the new terms. However, any disputes arising at the time the changes are made will be governed by the then-current Terms (including a binding individual arbitration provision).


L’AiR may immediately terminate your access to all or part of our Services at any time, with or without cause, and with or without notice. If you wish to terminate this Agreement or your account (if you have one), you may simply discontinue using our Services. All provisions of this Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.


Our services are provided on an "as is" basis. L’AiR and its suppliers and licensors hereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. L’AiR and its suppliers and licensors, make no warranty that our Service will be error-free or that access thereto will be continuous or uninterrupted. You understand that you download from, or otherwise obtain content or services through, our Services at your own discretion and risk.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

Except to the extent applicable law provides otherwise, this Agreement, any access to our Service will be governed by the laws of the Republic of China, excluding its conflict of law provisions, and the proper venue for any disputes.

General representations and warranties

You represent and warrant that your use of our Services: (a) will strictly comply with this Agreement; (b) will comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including without limitation regarding online conduct and acceptable content, from the Republic of China or the country in which you reside) all applicable laws on exporting technical data, all applicable laws on privacy and data protection); and (c) will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any third party.


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between L’AiR and you concerning this subject matter. We may modify any part of this Agreement by posting a modified version at Modified versions will be effective and binding on the next business day after posting. If you do not agree to the modifications to this Agreement, you should immediately stop using our services.

If any part of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that part will be construed to reflect the parties' original intent, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect. Any one waiver by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof on a single act or proceeding by either party.